Ever notice how chinese companies translate their icons/products/mascots into an english names that doesn't make any sense whatsoever? One of these icons i'm referring to is one of my childhood favorites. I'm sure you heard of Lo Fu Gee before. He's the guy on the right in the picture above. However, in the western world he's known as Master Q. What the hell does that mean? Actually...he's not really known in the western world. But to me...he's one of the greatest icons. I just wish that they made the comic in true jooksing chinglish format so i can enjoy it properly. i'm sure that if it's translated it will screw up all the jokes and stuff. I'm going to contact them to find out if jooksings.com can do it. Heck..i'd do it for free just so us jooksings can enjoy it. You really are missing out on it. It's got everything from slapstick humour to gang fights to best friends to romantic comedy. In the mean time...I'm going to utilize youtube and other blogs to feed you the lo fu gee stuff for your enjoyment! Here's the first one!!
In the USA, Canada, and the UK, when one thinks of Christmas Dinner, it usually consists of a Christmas Ham or Turkey with Cranberry sauce, stuffing, mash potatoes, (sounds like thanksgiving) pumpkin pie, and oh yes...egg nog, a milk and eggs based punch with rum, brandy or whiskey.
However, In the USA, Canada, and the UK, Asian families don't usually have this type of dinner. Yes, we might have the turkey..but it's usually mixed in with the Roast Pig that we bought in Chinatown. We might even have white rice instead of mash potatoes. I've even had bok choy with turkey before.
Every year at my uncles house, we have a turkey, lasagna, a badly made stuffing with a million raisins, roast Pig, char siu, pork bone soup, and white rice. How can you not have white rice?
Tonight was the first time i had a Christmas Dinner with my girlfriends family. It wasn't the same special touch as my own family but it was an experience nonetheless. We didn't have turkey...rather we had fried fish, black pepper pork chops, fried rice, cheesecake, and a fruitcake. Quite a weird mixture if you ask me.
What kind of Asian Christmas dinner do you have? Let me know at chris@jooksings.com
This true rags to riches story, definitely hit the mark for me during this Christmas holiday. This feel good movie isn’t too far from reality for many people and will show both the needy and wealthy that the path to success is certainly out there should they have the urge and guts to go and get it. I suspect that fans of Dale Carnegie and alike should also like this movie.
The Pursuit of Happyness, which is purposely misspelled but explained by Will Smith who casts as Chris Gardner, a struggling business owner with a dream, attempts the seemingly impossible competitive internship at Dean Witter all while selling Portable Bone Density Scanners to scrape enough funds to keep himself and his son (played by Will Smith’s real-life son, Jaden Christopher Syre Smith) out of poverty in the bustling city of San Francisco in 1981. His unsupporting wife (played by Thandie Newton) also leaves him during this difficult time. Will Smith and Thandie Newton really work well with each other in their roles and I've always enjoyed Will Smith and his light hearted comedy. This is no exception.
The film, directed by Gabriele Muccino, captures good natural imagery and atmosphere from realistic 1981 advertisements to the no longer existing Dean Witter (merged with Morgan Stanley in 1997) to the previously successful NFL franchise of the now sad 49ers (sorry niners fans…they are killing me in fantasy sports) It also embraces San Francisco’s well known Chinatown area complete with snobby Chinese day care operator to fit. I would say that the film was directed quite well with the exception of the repetitive stealing of the bone density scanners by strangers who also happen to be in poverty state. After the second time, I started to roll my eyes. I also thought that the monologue could have been a little more advanced rather than the elementary “This part in my life is called…Being Stupid.” Couldn’t they use a better line than that? And the fact that he got a job interview because he solved the Rubik's cube is crazy. Remind me to bring a book of Sudoku everywhere i go.
The film won’t make the general public shed tears and therefore may not be regarded as a great story by many except for the ones who are either going through a similar situation and/or have been there before. It worked for me. The most memorable line in the movie must be when Abraham Lincoln was referenced for his “….life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” quote. How did Abraham Lincoln know to put the pursuit part in there you ask? The movie isn’t good enough to answer that question…but it will give you a kickstart.
The Japanese always have the best commercials in my opinion. Check this one out. It's for Nike's Cosplay Line at nikeid.jp. It's so wacky and takes a lot from the power rangers show. I can't vouch for all Jooksings...but i for one hated Power Rangers in North America. I think it's because I was exposed to much better japanese anime at an earlier stage. I mean...come on!!
It's the time of the year again. In Toronto, there is once again no snow on the ground. It's 7 degrees outside and it will rain for sure tonight! Nevertheless, this christmas should be a good one. I'll be with my girlfriend and her family this year but i definately miss being with my family in calgary!
There's two tricks that i recommend everybody do to their relatives on christmas.
Trick #1:
If you have a younger cousin...you can assume that he's going to get a lot of gifts because of his age. What we used to do was go to the tree and find all the gifts that were labelled "To: Sherman" We took all the gifts and we either hid them under the couch or we put them somewhere we nobody can find. When it's time for gift opening..the whole family gathers around the tree and names are called out everybody will open their gifts with excitement. Meanwhile..nobody has a clue that Sherman still doesn't have a gift. He'll mope around in the back watching everybody open their gifts with excitement. All of the other cousins are in on it so they open their gifts with extra emphasis in front of him. When the bottom of the tree is almost clear...look over at your cousin and say..."hey...were you a bad kid this year? what happened? you didn't get anything yet!" He'll certainly look like he wants to ball and will start to believe that he was a bad kid for something. When you are done toying with him...bring out the gifts and he'll smile along with you and the whole family with laugh.
Trick #2:
My cousin Jamie invented this one in the family. One year we went to our rooms looking for gifts to give ourselves and we wrapped it up and put it under the tree. On the label..we would label "To: Chris, From: Auntie Anna" It helps if the person you write down is regarded as the "cheap" relative in the family. She was the perfect victim. Anyway...when the gift giving happens...the gifts are distributed and when you recieve your own gift...open it with excitement to find your new NINTENDO system under the tree from your "cheap" relative. If they are married...it's even better. She'll say..."WHAT?!?! I didn't buy that for you!!" She'll turn to her husband or something and say "Did you buy that?!?!" Just keep your act up...all the other relatives will just be amazed at this awesome gift you just recieved! It's really funny!
Sigh..the memories...anyway...I hope all of you have a good sing dan and don't kill yourself shopping on "hup"ing day. That's boxing day.
Hey Jooksing's...We all have that DNA in us that makes us love cell phones and while this cell phone may not look like the phone you've always wanted and doesn't have the crazy specs you are looking for..you've got to admit...they created a pretty cool website for this phone. The Nokia 6133 new campaign has creativity written all over it. Check it out at www.pushtostart.ca
Hahaha. This is the funniest thing i've seen in a while. My buddy chris in calgary, canada sent this to me. Thanks man. But moreover..thanks to SNL to come up with this skit! Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg create this ultra hilarious music video that will definitely make you laugh. Here is the Dick in a Box along with LYRICS!! I hope they are correct. please msg me if you know what it is or can correct me. I actually spent the time listening to them for you to follow because i know...deep down...we jooksings...sigh...We are all karaoke lovers. Top Ten? Focus Karaoke? Twister? anybody?
Hey Girl. I got something important to tell you..so just sit down and listen. Girl, you know we’ve been together for such long long time. (such a long time) Now I’m ready to lay it on the line.
Wow…you know it’s Christmas and my heart is open wide. Gonna give you something so you know what’s on my Mind. (what’s on my mind)
I’ll give you a special so take off the top… Take a look inside…it’s my dick in a box.
Not gonna get you a diamond ring. That sorta gift don’t mean anything. Not gonna get you a fancy car. Girl you gotta know you my shining star. Not gonna get you a house on da hills. A girl like you needs something real. Wanna get you something from the heart. (Something special girl…)
It’s my dick in a box!!
Been thinking about you babe. It’s my dick in a box. Been thinking about what’s goin on.
See I’m wise enough to know when a gift needs givin. And I got just the one. Something that shows you that you are second to none.
To all the fellows out there with ladies to impress, It’s easy to do just follow these steps:
One… cut a hole in a box Two… Put your junk in that box Three…Make her open the box
And that’s just the way you do it!
It’s my dick in a box!
My dick in a box goin …
It’s my dick in a box…
It’s my dick in a box goin on.
Christmas…Dick in a box Hannukah…Dick in a box Kwanzaa...a dick in a box (thanks for the correction)
Every single a holiday a dick in a box
Over at your parents a dick in a box. Midday at the grocery store a dick in a box. Backstage at the CMA’s a dick in a box. Yow wow wow wow wa…
After years of complaints, asians finally have something to cheer about on watching survivor. Yul Kwon, born in queens, NY and raised in Cali won the survivor battle. He's got a pretty impressive resume if you ask me. Check out his bio on CBS site.
Too bad we don't give a crap about that show anymore. I for one can't believe that the show is still on the air. But then again..they have worse stuff on tv. cough..mXc...cough..sucks..
Asian chances were pretty good on this years Survivor: Cook islands. They had Becky, a korean hottie which made it all the way to episode 14 and a Vietnamese dude named "Cao Boi" (it's literally pronounced cowboy. hahaha) Anyway, I'm glad he won...again..his resume is pretty extensive and i don't think he'll be using it for another karaoke or netcafe anytime soon.
What doesn't help the stereotype though is "Cowboy's" biography where they actually state that his career is ACTUALLY a nail salon manager. I have lots of viet friends...i seriously don't know a single nail salon owner....is that an american viet thing???
When you look into any of the big Canadian malls, most of the stores have their head offices in; Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto. For a country of our size, we have a lot of different retailers that have reached the span of the country and more.
Let’s do a little re-cap here. For starters, Aldo is really successful especially branching off into the United States. Aritzia that started in 1983 by Brian Hill is eventually going to move down south because of their new investor group. Lululemon and Chip’s brilliant idea of going franchise for a few years has reached Tribeca in NYC and Asia. We have seen Roots and HBC merchandise being worn by our whole Olympic team. Le Chateau brings the world’s top male model of the moment to model in their campaigns. La Senza sells to pretty much every country in the world from their online site and now and has just been bought out by Limited brands (the mother company of Victoria Secret). Montreal based, Tristan and America has stores in America too. Club Monaco founded by Toronto’s Joseph Mimran sold it to Polo Ralph Lauren of New York in 1999. Award winning Holt Renfrew, luxury retailer is viewed and judged on the same level as other luxury retailers in the world Saks, Bloomingdales, Liberty of London, Joyce of Hong Kong to name a few.
Stores that have joined our cities include; American Abercrombie & Fitch / Hollister, Mango, Zara and Swedish’s H&M.
Abercrombie and Fitch / Hollister’s stores are always a zoo. Customers go crazy for their merchandise and I’ll bet their sales per hour are very high. Everyday is like Boxing Day. It’s no wonder they want to go for a different market. They have announced they want to expand into Japan.
H&M announced they are going to expand their fast fashion concept chain into Asia next year. They are going to open stores in Hong Kong and China. Market share is difficult; you have to stay on top of your competition. Everyone is fighting for market share against the Wal-mart, Target and Tesco. But this whole low priced high fashion is a concept that 59 year old H&M can say they pioneered.
I’d say this is exciting news for the Asian Market. There are great opportunities in Asia for these stores to reach towards. The potential is huge. Whenever I will get my chance to be sent to Asia for business trips, I would go and find myself the H&M or Zara not waste anytime since I know how their clothes fit!
I personally think that Asians are the largest consumer demographic of cellular phones and that we are the most frequent purchasers of them. Especially when it comes to a new model product launches that come out on the market. And what do jooksings do to be the coolest cats on the block? What we do is we always get it before that phone is ever released in North America because we always know someone going back to Hong Kong, or if we don’t we just go to Ebay (Did I mention that I overpaid like 10 times for my Razr)!
On that note, I thought I’d have to talk a little bit about the buzz product of the industry. Apple’s iPhone. No one has seen this phone yet and no one is even sure if it even exists. But the buzz in the industry is that Apple is developing its own phone that will be compatible for their iTunes. Their first iTunes capable phone was produced by Motorola, their “Rokr” model. It didn’t sell very well, nor had too many positive reviews. Could this have been a marketing tactic by Apple? I mean, release their iTunes capabilities (its just software) with an industry leader in the market (Motorola pays for the hardware manufacturing costs), get poor reviews, and have consumers begin demanding/expecting Apple to just come up with their own product that looks and operates better? My opinion….hell ya it was planned! Who doesn’t want to drive up consumer anticipation for a product, and have a growing demand for it so when the product finally comes out…it fly’s off the shelf! We see it all the time with technology gadgets…AHEMM-PS3! WHE-WiiEEE! Cough cough!
Disclaimer: I do not own Shares in Apple (Although I should have….dammit met my broker too late!!)
Personally, I think Apple should do this. Launch the iPhone in Hong Kong/Asia. Everyone Asian will buy the next thing….I mean I know people who have an MP3 player, Ipod, Ipod Nano, and now an Ipod Video, at the same time they also own the Motorolla Razr, the Slvr, the Sony Ericson camera phones, and even the Newest Motorolla V3i (compatible with iTunes & video capable) (they’ve purchased all these in the past 2 years by the way…no joke…they really do have these). As for the challenge of jooksings getting their hands on this phone before it comes out here in North America,…it is NO challenge! Hellooo! Chinese New Year coming up! There’s like only 2 degrees of separation of knowing someone going back to Hong Kong in the next 2 months. But really, do I believe iPod sales will decline? Nope, none at all. By the time the phone hits North America (if Apple follows my strategy here *wink*) Apple should be selling more iPod Video’s than their Nano’s!
What do you think? Am I wrong on this one? Or do Asians really only care to use that same free phone offered by the service providers (great tactic by the providers by the way)? I think not…but what do you think? Leave a comment or two. Or let us know if you will be going to Hong Kong soon…maybe the iPhone will be released by then and you can hook me up!
My girlfriend loves Wang Lee Hom and mcdonalds french fries. It would only seem natural that Wang Lee Hom is the spokesperson for Mcdonalds in Asia!! i think he's a good candidate for North American mcdonalds too considering he speaks perfect english!! Sorry for the ADVERTISEMENT Bombardment...i just love them! It's surreal cuz it's a product that we all know yet we are usually exposed to seeing happy white kids playing hockey eating mcdonalds. Come on mcdonalds...gimmee some diversification.
Check out that RICE "BUN" that they created to appeal to the asian audience. I've had it before...I'll stick with the bread though. Chris
Remember that sweet black stuff that your mom made you eat when you were sick and had a sore throat and coughing? It's sorta thick and it actually doesn't taste half bad! Well...the bottle is still the same and so is the logo...however..the ad for it in HK isn't so old school anymore. It's really modernized! check it out!
This is marketing in HK. no worries, no redtape on alcoholic products. Music and Beer. i have some idea of what they are saying...but for those that don't..it's "omg...i drink budweiser, i like the colour red...i'm hot..you can be hot too if you drink budweiser too. come party with us in the desert and we'll drink budweiser to cool off our hot bodies!!"
Check out this new line from Levi's Japan. I love the website design. I especially love the Levi's Premium Line that are featured this year. It's actually the Fall lineup but i like how they can make something so simple and black so stylish. Check it at Levi's Japan
Hi everybody. As you all know, this website isn't the prettiest one. I'm working on that. Don't you worry. However, before the site can look pretty, i'm looking for some dedicated contributors to jooksings.com. You can contribute by adding new content weekly, take pictures, take video, help design the site...anything. If there's anything that anybody can do...i would totally appreciate it.
If anything...spread the word, send me articles, write comments, suggest ideas...anything!
The Japanese are my favorite source of fresh culture as they are always ultra creative in almost everything that they do. Here's a product that I'm sure Canadians can use. It's a bit silly but it's starting to get freakin cold in Toronto and i could really use Thanko's new heated gloves and socks to help me out during the cold months. It would be awesome for snowboarding!! Now if they can only add bluetooth functionality so i can control my ipod from my heated gloves. Snowboarding heaven.
The new Gloves from Thanko are battery powered and can provide you between 6 and 12 hours of heat.
Sassafraz, Toronto's trendy hotspot for celebs was burned to the ground and i'm sure it will be missed from all torontonians. I miss it and i've never even been there. I've always wanted to go there.
CTV reports "More than 130 firefighters battled a five-alarm blaze inside a trendy restaurant in Toronto's tony neighbourhood of Yorkville on Wednesday.
The fire was at hotspot Sassafraz, which has been a longtime favourite hangout for celebrities and scenesters alike, especially during the Toronto International Film Festival.
The blaze started at about 11 a.m. and reached the three-alarm level by noon. It quickly reached four alarm and then five."
Today's posts were a little depressing. This site isn't supposed to be an arena for political point of views but a celebration of Jooksings (for those who don't know..stereotypically...a term for asians born in outside of asia that typically speak crappy chinese) so i thought I'd find something a little more happier to make your day! ENJOY!!!
Hi all! This is my first video blog. The production sucks ass. I wasn't planning this but i was watching CNN and it just got me into it. As always..please leave comments as they are greatly appreciated.
Holy Shit...Check this out. Rosie O'Donnell is one brave Lesbian. I hope she doesn't like chinese food cuz she's gonna die if she walks into Chinatown. I mean..what was she thinking?
you can complain to NBC at http://abc.go.com/daytime/theview/
I had a meeting yesterday, and something very interesting came about from that conversation. It was actually about a viewpoint as to what may be more important, an individual or the corporation? For those of you who may not know exactly what a corporation is, I’ll provide the formal definition, taken from my good friend Webster (that’s Webster’s Dictionary ;) )
Corporation: A legal entity, other than a natural person which often has similar rights in law as a person. Individual: 1. A human being 2. A single organism
Why would this come up you may ask? Well, given that we all work or contribute in some way or another to a corporation (as I am assuming we all work somewhere) what importance do you feel should come first? Yourself or the company? Should your personal viewpoints and personal feelings stand in the way of what is best for the company? Sure, your opinion will probably be based on your role you play within that organization, but to what extent will you place on the importance of oneself verses the corporation? You may ask yourself what will happen if I put myself first over the company? Or, what has the company done for me? If you set aside your personal insecurities and feelings, would the company go further and expand and become a larger entity, thus affecting the world in a more positive shape or form.
I’ll give you an example. Most PC users do not like Windows, and complain about how unstable it is and this and that, and I’m sure Bill Gates hears of this all the time (I mean, when that pop up comes up and asks you if you would like to report this error to Microsoft, where do you think it goes? Jokes). But if Mr. Gates decided to take these criticisms personally, and get rid of all his top designers and developers because they created something that is “unstable” where would we be? Would the PC have been able to become a staple tool in our daily lives? I mean, who the heck could use MS Dos before (command prompt this and that…I couldn’t load my favorite game, hang man without screwing up)? But now Windows…whoa….that made everyone’s lives way easier when navigating a computer. I mean, who can’t “point-and-click” (aside from my dad…he just can’t get the hang of double clicking and keeping the pointer arrow on that icon….but he can sure carve out a toy sword from a piece of 2x4 without cutting himself…see dad…you’re still the best!) and voila!....the application is open and ready to go!
This example is extreme, but do you see how an individual can really effect a corporation which is legally, a separate entity as well, just like an individual is, the difference I see is that the entity of a corporation serves a much larger whole than just an individual. So, I ask again, who is more important, the individual or the corporation? What do you think?
One of my good friends who came out of the closet to me about 7 years ago told me about this competition that he went to recently. Yuan jai is a good friend and he's always willing to help you out. He definitely made my time in HK easier. Not in that way you fuckin idiots. Anyway...he's sort of a jooksing to me. He was schooled in Canada but always went back to HK cuz that's where he loves it. I guess there's different levels of Jooksingness. It just shows that jooksings exist in all shapes and forms.
The Strait Games was held in Phuket in October and i thought i'd blog about it because I've never heard of this before and I'm sure that 90% of my readers don't know either. Here's the link and a picture
I got some comments yesterday on the Chinglish topic so i'd like to share some others. I'll probably continue to update this for a couple days so keep checking back and/or leave comments to add some more.
The verbs undingable = unable to stand it (Thanks Kitty!) toongable = ie. is this library toongable to the cafeteria?? i'm jo-gunning = i'm doing it already tai-ing = looking
Crappy Direct Translations sik low = eat brains Ho yau foh = he's on fire that's the sze = That's the shit!! deen wa jook = telephone congee meaning...a long telephone convo yeet hay = hot air say ngan jai = 4 eyes boy = boy who wears glasses leung ngan mui = a stupid comeback to use as a kid for the glasses comment...don't use it. I've used it already. it doesn't work. jooksing = congee star Difficult sentences
I'm full. Can i please take these packaged buns to go? = Ngor ho bao. Ho mmho yee bao hay yee d bao bao da bao? (i don't even know if this is correct? i got lost after the second bao)
I'm sure many of you have seen this already but i thought that this production was brilliant and i thought I'd post it here since it's totally relevant with Jooksings.com
It's a humorous story about this asian guy and his quest to find out why he can't pick up white girls. I've only had a chance to date 2 or 3 white girls in my lifetime so I'm by no means an expert. It's never really gone anywhere. I think if you watch this video, you'll be able to relate. It's jokes.
Congrats to Wong Fu Productions and Sketchbook media pictures on YELLOW FEVER. I love to showcase creative content from other Jooksings. Afterall, this is a portal for all Jooksings to become famous!
I recently went shopping this weekend for a smart phone. Something that can connect me to my email while I’m on the go. I’m telling you, the selection right now is quite good (before there was really only the Blackberry…or “crackberry’ and some like to call it) and fairly affordable. I mean, I paid more money for my frickin Motorolla Razr ($500 big ones)….and what can it do? Not much but drop really easy because its so damn thin! The other I noticed is that phones that have mp3 capabilites and camera’s are becoming the norm (these features are sooo last year!). I mean what phone doesn’t play music anymore? If you have one that doesn’t, something’s wrong (another thing the Razr doesn’t do). But what I found from comparing these smart phones and from looking at phones in general is that the newest feature is video. Yes, video so, now when you go for your weekend dim sum, you’re gonna see kids with headphones on watching their phone while mom and dad are reading their Chinese newspaper! Kids can now keep up to date with their latest downloaded clips (whatever may be the hottest thing to watch now…I fell off at Pokemon), and adults can keep up to date the latest new chapter movie while on the go or subway! Haha…..that I don’t know about, but I’m sure it will be happening soon and I do know people who would be doing that! I mean, why not…you can download movies (legal by the way ;) yes I said the nasty “L” word and I know jooksings don’t like that word at all! Disclaimer, I do not buy VCD movies from my local asian movie store) like the latest release, Superman. (I talk more about the actual downloadable video industry and where you can currently get Legal video content at my personal post, so click here if you want to check it out). I mean, sure…the memory on phones right now is not as large as a Portable video player (c’mon 1GB capability on a phone compared to 80GB on an iPod) but hey, you can still watch vids on the go! So let’s see how many video phones will come to the market this year, and see just how many will fill up at the weekend dim sum!
My parents are from HK. Naturally I'm cantonese. I didn't always know how to read and write and even understand the chinese language. It basically started around grade 9. My dad had started a business in China and I had to visit there for 6 or 7 months at the end of Grade 8. I was so bored that i decided that i would just learn chinese. I drew these grids on paper and practiced all the time. My sister didn't do the same...i guess she just wasn't as interested as i was although i would have to say that next to me...all the other "kids" in our family has the best chinese skill. Anyway...a couple years later in high school i started to hang around other kids that were asian and things just started to pick up. For whatever reason, i started to listen to chinese music a lot. Oh the memories...the music back then was so much better than the crap you get nowadays..i'm talking about cho mang (grasshopper) with their "so sad" song and the "you are everything" tune. I actually even got into Lai Ming and Cheung Hok Yau. It's oldy moldy but come on...who can forget jacky's classic gee seung yut sung gun lay jow??? Or mui teen ngoi lay dor yut seh? i mean...that was the shit. Aiya....going on a tangent.
Anyway...it started with that. That's how i learned chinese. Karaoke and 1 dozen bud (sometimes green tea and chivas)
But what is really interesting is that throughout all these years of talking like this to my cousins and my friends, I've come to realize that this "chinglish" language is a language that we came up with all on our own. So commonplace that even mandarin, korean, japanese friends even say the same things.
There are certain factors that make this hilarious. Jooksing's uses the 's factor. We tend to use the " 's " everywhere we can if it's plural. We use it in the word Jooksing's, bui's (cups), deep's (plates), dung's (chairs), sau mut's (gloves), lang lui's (pretty girls) and Ju pa's (pork chop's) That to me is a new language.
Ever notice the "mm" factor?? why do we add an "mm" to things we are trying to say no to. example: mmwant ar! = i don't want it! mmcare ar! = i don't care mmjump! = i'm not jumping.
Or how about the really funny swear words that we attempt to write out on paper. Those are always jokes. Classic but funny. Some of those examples are yeet hay = hot air (which i have no idea what it means but i shouldn't eat it cuz it will give me zits), pook guy = fall on the street, ding lay gor fai = hit your lung
Till this day I still dont know what the fuck that means. you try to explain to all your white friends that it actually means fuck you...just to get them off your back when all of a sudden you had to explain what pook guy was. i had a hard time with those two. I mean....you don't wanna tell them what it really means or they'll think chinese people are retarded for telling you to fall on a street or hit your lung so they just mean fuck you. In fact...every swear word meant fuck you to me when i was young. hahahahaha...that is funny.
Anyway...How about you guys? what do you guys think? We should start our own Jooksings school and start teaching. Tell me about your stories. Please leave some comments. I'd love to hear your stories and share them.
Some of my readers don't know what i look like and have been asking for some pictures. The want to know whose thoughts they are reading so i decided to go an take some editorial type pictures that match my personality to post on jooksings.com Here they are. I love my adidas and my fleur de lis Jays NewEra Cap.