Ever notice how chinese companies translate their icons/products/mascots into an english names that doesn't make any sense whatsoever? One of these icons i'm referring to is one of my childhood favorites. I'm sure you heard of Lo Fu Gee before. He's the guy on the right in the picture above. However, in the western world he's known as Master Q. What the hell does that mean? Actually...he's not really known in the western world. But to me...he's one of the greatest icons. I just wish that they made the comic in true jooksing chinglish format so i can enjoy it properly. i'm sure that if it's translated it will screw up all the jokes and stuff. I'm going to contact them to find out if jooksings.com can do it. Heck..i'd do it for free just so us jooksings can enjoy it. You really are missing out on it. It's got everything from slapstick humour to gang fights to best friends to romantic comedy. In the mean time...I'm going to utilize youtube and other blogs to feed you the lo fu gee stuff for your enjoyment! Here's the first one!!