Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What is Black Friday??

What is Black Friday? It is many things actually and it has many references such as the riot in Glasgow of 1919 due to industrial unrest, or on February 9, 1945, the largest air battle over Norway between the Germans and the British. Or because I’m supposed to write on Business, you may be referring to the Black Friday of September 24,1869 which lead to a financial crisis in the United States, which resulted in a national depression.

The Black Friday I’m referring to is the one which had recently passed. For all you Canadian readers, Black Friday is the term used in reference of the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. This day is traditionally marks the beginning of the holiday’s shopping season and is one of the busiest retail shopping days of the entire year! But why call it “Black Friday” one would ask? Well, traditionally in the retail sector, most retail business’ operate at a loss (denoted as “red” on their financial statements) throughout the entire year, namely from January to November, and it is only until the “Black Friday” begins and consequently, the holiday shopping season, where retailers begin to see the profits rolling in, thus changing their financials from red to black!

But given the new cyber age, I recently read an article from CNet News , that online retailers have been promoting the first Monday after thanksgiving as the “crucial day for online shopping” to spawn the holiday’s online shopping season, and hence the online equivalent shopping day as Black Friday. Will “Black Monday” become just as known as “Black Friday”? My guess is…..heck yaaaa!!


Business Editor

Monday, November 27, 2006

Michelle Kwan as an Ambassador of USA. Score 1 for Jooksings!

Michelle Kwan was recently named as a diplomatic goodwill ambassador of the USA. That is a huge accomplishment for her. She's already an established superstar in the sports world and this is something to be proud of. American politics aren't really my thing but this is something worth showcasing to the rest of us Jooksing's.

Congrats on all your achievements and we hope you all the best. Hopefully, she'll be a member of our website one day!! That'd be awesome.

via Reuters news

Possible new editor.

On Friday, I met up with my friend Silvana because she showed some interest in this project of mine. is really a project that can only work with passionate people with passionate beliefs...or at least a real interest.(i'll take it!) She's also from calgary and now lives in toronto. She works for an airline and she gets the opportunity to travel quite a bit so i figured i'd throw out the idea that maybe she can write about her travel time and people would definitely get a kick out of that. I know i would. I mean...who wouldn't want to understand what it's like to be jetsetting across different countries all the time.

But besides the fact that Sil leads an interesting career..she's actually a really interesting person. Let me tell you a story. There was this one time in high school where i was skipping school quite a bit and i decided to go downtown. In grade 11, for whatever reason, the foodcourt in the mall downtown was a place where i could find and meet friends. Anyway...i went with my friend Daniel one time and he introduced me to these 2 chinese girls...Lillian and Silvana. haha. You have to understand that I lived in the South End of the city and hot asian chicks just didn't exist. Very few anyway. I was so nervous when i met them. Mainly cuz i thought Sil was the cutest girl i ever met. I didn't say much...but Daniel took one look at me and he saw right through me. The asshole told her that i liked her...right in front of me. I was embarrased...sigh...whatever...story of my life. Long story short...we became friends and we are still friends today. she can be distant because she's always on the go but she's awesome in person.

Hopefully she'll actually get involved in I know that i'd really like that and she'd be nothing but a blessing to all you readers.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy 90th Birthday Vogue!

I am a self proclaimed magazine junkie. I would collect a lot more different publications if I had the means to. I hope to one day actually have my own library archive of my favorite magazines that I have collected over time along side with my art, design, architecture and fashion books

What do I love about them? First off, the glossy pages, the layout design sets certain apart from each other. I always take a note of different aspects but obviously paying close attention to the editorial features. Certain stylists out there do a better job than others, but they are all very talented. They set the tone. Along side with the best fashion photographers in the world makes these magazines unforgettable.

I can still flip thru my Vogue’s from 5 years ago. Every time I read them again, I’d pick up something new. Last week, vogue celebrated its 90th birthday. They have been in print from 1916-2006. That’s amazing.
Happy birthday Vogue! For being in print for 90 years and giving us true style and a publication to look up towards. Over the years, they have increased to different countries publications in China, Japan and Korea. I wish their sites however, were in English as well so us” jooksings” can read them.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I love Nintendo Wii

After failing to get a PS3, i had to redeem myself and make sure that i get the nintendo wii. I'm telling you...this thing is awesome. I waited 8 hours in line to get the new wii. I drove by futureshop around 11PM and i saw that the lineup was already about 45 people deep. I was with my girlfriend at the time. I quickly drove her home and drove down to markville mall where the bestbuy and walmart were located. I drove by the bestbuy first and the lineup was at least 50 deep there too!! I had went into walmart earlier in the day to ask how many units they had and the employee said that there was over 50. I drove by the walmart and I saw that the line was only about 20 deep. I wanted to grab a bite to eat but after seeing the two lineups at bestbuy and futureshop i didn't want to risk it. Screw it. I'm waiting for this thing. I took some pictures and video of the lineups. After spending 500 dollars on the unit and some games i went home to try it out and let me tell you that this thing will blow your mind when you play it. It's super fun.

I haven't had this much fun playing videogames in a long time. It reminded me of my childhood and how i use to have so much fun playing videogames. and although this moment doesn't beat the first time i beat final fantasy for the nes...It ranks in the top 10 moments of my videogaming history. It's that fun.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Blog no. 17

Boy, what a week. First my personal blog site will be up shortly, some serious decision making, and lastly, the release of the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii (Wee). The PS3 is THE console for gaming this year...heck, its got "Blue Ray' technology, and its twice the price of the previous consoles (PS2, Xbox,) that were initially released! But I've never really been into gaming (yes, you heard right...a chinese guy not into gaming!!) but this time, I really think I may be into the Wii. I mean, its more physically interactive, more people (non gamers) would be into it because the games are electronic activities like golf, bowling, boxing. What a way to settle a dispute with your friends. Strap on the controller's and go a few rounds!!!

Now my blog site. I've been thinking this whole week about what I had thought to be a very simple task. Which is the name of my blog site. I want the name to be a reflection of myself, even though I really like those blogs with really cool names, but as it is, I've chosen the domain for it to be my own name. What could indicate that the site is mine, than my own name. So check it out at I welcome the feedback and comments to my future posts...thanks in advance.

Also this past week, myself and my partners have been contemplating about partaking in another new venture. I don't want to say exactly what it is yet, because we have not decided whether or not it is something we wish to do. This opportunity presents a few pros, and also a few cons. The cons however, are somethings that we do not have a lot of control over these. Now in life (and business) we are presented many opportunities (which is a good thing of course), but you must always ask yourself, if this
opportunity will fit you, given where you are currently at in life, what you may want to accomplish and are you able to commit 100% of your effort at it, especially when it is a start up. Its not the effort that concerns me, it is really the fact that putting in this extra time, presents an opportunity cost to something that the three of us are currently doing, and that time will be taken away from that. Another factor that I have been thinking of is what I've read from many successful entrepreneurs, which is that even though it is good to have many opportunities, it is also smart to know which ones to turn down. Because an opportunity can be a winner, but it may not be for you...but this is something that only you can decide for yourself. Decisions decisions....(sigh!), but I will let you know what we decide, either way, whatever decision we make, I do not believe we will regret it.

I'm not that crazy

I guess I'm not that crazy. I attempted to wait in line for the PS3 but i was about 25 hours too late. I had prepared a tent and warm clothing and chairs to sit and wait for ps3 but to my dissapointment, i started at 2pm on the 16th and it was waaay too late. When i got to my local futureshop, i had noticed that there were people lining up since the night before. I have to give my hats to them though...that is fucking crazy. I'm not that crazy. I just wanted the unit to fund my camcorder. I had even purchased the camcorder ready to film with it. didn't work out. i have to bust my ass on ebay just to fund it. Soon, will start to use video blogging. Keep an eye out.


that wii better be available.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

how to get a free camcorder and extra funding for your website. haha

I can't sleep. It's 3:50 AM. I must get to work on time tomorrow. I can't sleep because i keep thinking about buying a camcorder for! I've been dying to buy one. I'm having the roughest time looking for one because i'm trying to stay under a $500 dollar budget. The one i settled on getting is a Canon Elura 100. With a video camera, i can do video blogs and this site would be a lot more interesting. I would like to find a web designer and perhaps even get a graphic designer for my brand. That shit costs money man.

Anyway...I love videogames and it's culture. I don't like the idea of some fat trailer trash playing videogames but i find the japanese culture very interesting. I watch youtube and read gamespot and they always show these videos of the japanese sleeping over 3 weeks on the street waiting for the first playstation 3 or nintendo wii to come out. They go crazy over the DS over in japan too. I'm not that crazy...or am i? What i am crazy about is making money right now. I want a new camcorder along with a website....that's about 500 plus maybe 1500 bucks for a website.

The real reason for me not sleeping is because i've been thinking about ways to buy a ps3 just to sell it for profit and fund my ventures...quickly. A ps3 this holiday season runs to 659.99 plus tax for 1 game console. There's no games included either. Jeez...anyway...ebay has people chopping ps3's for over 1900 dollars. I'm thinking cha ching. i'm going to buy a ps3 or two and chop it on ebay. I sell it for 2000 plus dollars and profit a minimum of 1200 for each unit. i can wait outside a store for a few hours just to make 1200 bucks....screw the unit. I'll just buy another one later when they are readily available. Right now...i just want a camcorder. My girl is getting me a nintendo wii already anyway. PS3 would be awesome..but whatever. If there's a lot of profit on that too...'ll chop that too. haha. It's not like i'm tight for the money...just wanna raise funds fast. So...i'm positive there's other asians out there that think the exact same way as me. But whatever...i've decided to make this an adventure for this blog. I'm going to make this adventure to the camcorder and cash public.

I plan to wait outside a store for the ps3. and just like those japanese crazies...i'm gonna camp out. I've never really done something like this before...but whatever. Please share in my adventure to the Camcorder.

BTW..i rather have a Canon GL2 or a Canon XL2 or i'll even take a XL1 if someone wants to give it up for the ps3.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Stockbroker Expert?

I recently had a conversation with my stock broker, but during my conversation, I had another call (or Instant message actually coincidently, it was Chris), which I had to put off until I was finished conversing with my broker. When I called (or IM'd Chris back), I apologized and told him I had been talking to my broker. And to me, his reaction was somewhat surprised (not the shocking surprise, just the “interested” surprise) that I had a stock broker. To me, I had the feeling that he thought I was a seasoned expert in trading stocks. But in reality, I am not, which is why I told him is the reason I have a stock broker. I had told him that I was always interested in the markets, but I just do not have the expertise, as I knew that stock trading has so many intricacies to trading effectively (yes, my degree in Economics IS useful, for those that believe it is not...long story, but maybe one day I will tell you about it) and that I would never be able to become an expert (I mean, I’m interested in making money, just not the precise details). You see, I started trading stocks with my own everyday trading account from my banking institution. Buying a stock here and there from those “tips” you get at dinner party, or drinks with friends and associates. But, as most experiences go, I was not making the fortunes I thought I would be making (I mean who isn't kicking themselves for just coughing up that $100/share for Google). So, I thought to get into the game and learn some more about trading without losing my shirt, I thought it was best that I find a trusted professional who knows what is going on. My track record with my broker has been pretty good so far. Since transferring my fledging stock portfolio to my broker’s care, and watchful eye, he has doubled its value in only 12mths (knock on wood..just kidding Gord)!

Where am I going with this story you are asking. It’s simple. To be successful in business, you must not be afraid to seek out the help of professionals in that particular field of interest. I mean, you cannot build a building (if you are like me, let alone a garden shed) without a credible experienced individual guiding you with their knowledge. But at the same time, you can not be as naive as to not knowing some basics (as I know I do not need a titanium enforced garden shed to store my $100 lawn mower). With business, there is always a need for due diligence, but at the same time, a professional trusted opinion will help you go further. Too often, I see (and have experienced personally) some not so positive outcomes because a person thinks they can “do it themselves.” As a jooksing, I have (and maybe most of you fellow jooksings have heard this as well) heard this my whole life. “Why would you get someone to do it for you, you can do it yourself, and save the money.” In my case with my beginnings of stock trading…it actually cost me more to do it myself. Think about this. Which business’ (or even people) do you know of that are successful and at the same time, do everything themselves? As a someone who has heard a lot the remarks that I should do things myself, I (and my partners) am constantly catching myself in situations where I need to let those thoughts go. And as a jooksing, it is not an easy task to do, but I feel I will be better off in the long run for doing so.

P.S. Chris, your Grade 4 nightmare sounds just like mine! Except I didn't get my glasses until Grade 9. I guess I'm the millionth and one story. Boy, memories of growing up in the south of Calgary.

Business Editor

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Bag Bra.

Okay...usually i leave all things fashion for stefani to talk about but I have to step in on this one. I've been dying to blog about this bra that I saw on Reuters is a very respectable website for news so i just had to laugh when i saw this product.

Like all jooksings out there...when i see this stuff on the internet and/or have to sometimes just be a little embarrassed at all these dumb ideas that come out of asian minds. Azn pride just doesn't work in this situation.

I gotta give it to the inventor though...way to make use of fashion. The part that really makes me scratch my head though is the fact that "Triumph", the wonderbra of asia, uses french bread to showcase the bag. I was couldn't fit some make-up or even a freakin playstation 3 in there for example? you just thought that french bread that produces crumbs was a much better example of the everyday use an asian woman would use it for. What kind of woman like bread crumbs in her bra? So that's what the ladies in japan do...ahh...sooo....

Crazy man...crazy.

Editor in chief -

Grade 4 nightmare

In Grade 4 I had a very memorable time. My school was full of culture and there was chinese, black, brown, white kids everywhere. The community was just known for it's diversity. In the beginning of the year I looked forward to seeing this girl named Kelly Roncin. I loved this girl. She was this sweet girl whom i walked to school with. I remember i used to carry her home and we even held hands a couple times. That's right baby..grade 4 baby...grade 4. (stretch arms)

Transformers was the hottest toy and I had collected quite a few over the years. I owned Optimus Prime, bumblebee, Starscream, Grimlock and Soundwave. Come on....those are some sick transformers! I even got a hold of my first gadget...the dictaphone. I traded Jazz ( a transformer that was a porsche) for the dictaphone and even recorded my teachers lesson. Of course...I thought the dictaphone could record the whole class. Limitations of this new technology were quickly discovered. The damn thing started to beep after 10 minutes.
That year i even learned how to play 4 square. It's this playground game that you play with a rubber ball.
Grade 4 started out great!

Cut to December. My Dad comes home one day and tells us that he found a new job and we'd have to move to the south end of the city. I was excited at first...then as the days grew closer to moving...i felt scared. I remember crying one day because i had to face for the first time in my life...loss. I was leaving this house...this house where i have had so many great memories...gone. No more playing in the backyard with the more jumping down the stairs in which took years to more climbing the kitchen counter to steal chocolate bars.

My dad talked to me so i felt better. Then i went to my last day of school before my transfer.
I cried so much because i was no longer able to see these friends ever again. I could no longer walk the love of my life home from school, i could no longer sit at my desk in which i kept my lucky pencils in, i could no longer play by the bike racks which i grew so accustomed to. School that day was not fun at all. My parents came to pick me up that day and I remember seeing Kelly in the back window...walking home by herself. My parents didn't stop the car. We drove off into our new life.

If you live in calgary, you know that when you live in the south, it's predominantly white and you just have to live with it cuz the closest school with more than 1 asian in your classroom is downtown. Anyway...after the christmas holiday was the first day of school. Holy shit! This was a shock for me. In grade 4, i would experience my first taste of racism. What the hell does chink mean? Pots don't sound like ching chang chong when i throw them down the steps...what the hell is this guy talking about?! I don't know....but i don't like it. I tried to make friends with these kids but this was not easy for me. The only people that accepted me was the teacher and the principal. They expected that i act like everybody else...but they didn't understand. I just know they meant well. I had to take the school bus like all the other kids and let me tell you right now...being the only asian kid in a school bus isn't good news. Who knew that being asian was going to be this tough. I spoke the same language as them. I was wearing the same clothes as them. I quickly found out that i wasn't the same. I no longer had any friends to play with in the playground. I definitely didn't get to hang out with these hot white girls.( i knew how to distinguish hot girls in grade 4) I was picked on and I was humiliated daily.

As if my year wasn't going downhill enough that year...In march, my mom figured out that i now required to wear glasses. Holy fuck. First...i'm the first asian in the i'm the first asian to wear glasses. Just kill me now i thought. I went through so many lonely recesses and lunch periods and it wasn't till grade 8 that my life started to change.

Whew!! I'm just gonna stop there. I'm actually a happy person now. lol. Grade 4 was a nightmare..that's all i have to say for now. I'll tell you about Grade 8 another day. My life has changed drastically since then and I just wanted to share a part of my life with you. I know that there must be a million stories just like mine from other jooksings as well. I'd love to hear them from you. Post a comment or email me at

Life editor

So I have a couple friends that are going to HK this week. One is already there. The others are staying there for an entire month.

I really really envy them! My brother was there all summer doing an exchange for his school program, and seeing his pictures really made me want to go there. Considering I haven’t been back since, sigh…ages ago, shortly after the China take over in 1997.

So why else do I want to go there? Other than the obvious of Shopping galore…Hong Kong is all about the lights, the shopping and the food. All things I love. I was thinking to myself that this time, when I go I want to engage myself in the culture.

So I can’t wait to check out Gucci, as they opened their largest 11, 000 square foot flag ship store in Hong Kong yesterday! They also held a savvy fashion show and party for Hong Kong's fashion elite. This store is Uber Cool looking, located in the Landmark shopping complex in district called “Central” of Hong Kong. It is also their 85th anniversary this year, so opening this huge store also marks another great milestone for them. One of the things that I love about fashion is how it marries art, architecture, design and culture. It has such a strong influence with everything else. For example; store design and architecture/merchandising. All these aspects ties in these mega brands together.

The building looks great photographed primarily due to the fact that it consists of giant prism cubes. Designed by architect James Carpenter it seems to leave a warming glow on its surroundings. Word has it the façade of the building designed by Nancy Lorenz draws inspiration from bamboo. Well for those of you who don’t know, Bamboo is one Gucci’s icons for designs. Most of their shoes, handbags, prints from time to time feature bamboo. But in this case, I guess the bamboo ties in so well and would have relevance to the Chinese in Hong Kong.



Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The flagship store of Holt Renfrew of Bloor Street in Toronto is going to be open until 10:00 pm tonight (November 7, 2006). Customers will be able to be the first to shop for the holidays and see what has been hidden behind their windows for several weeks.

Their mighty talented and creative visual merchandising team has been working hard to put this up for everyone else to enjoy. Remember, they have to work non store hours with an array of materials. They are indeed the most innovative in window display and design. But, COM’ on now, it is Holt Renfrew.

I don’t know if it’s only me, but I always notice all the materials and objects they use in their windows. How they create fake doors, hinges to make drawers appear 3d out of the wall. Or their family of corrugated cardboard dogs they had 2 summers ago. Last month, their theme was a launch of Ralph Lauren Men’s wear. They had mannequins dressed in nothing else but a horse “polo” club theme. Over sized Balenciaga coats and hats plus tails. Yes, tails. The sort of reminded me of Elizabeth Hurley’s Project Catwalk. One of the contestants Ricardo, made a body hugging cat suit in black, it was sexy but had a tail coming out of it. Julian MacDonald hated it.

Well Anyways, I am going to go and check out what the fuss and rant is about and tell your more about it later. Stay tuned for what’s behind their windows. I really wonder what they are going to do. Gold, silver, Trees, fireplaces we have seen it all. Hum…….

I always love their award winning windows; they are magical and really tell a story behind it.

Stay tuned for pictures and more tomorrow. Thanks for reading.



Monday, November 06, 2006


Red, Black and white is a frequently sighted color combination for fall 2006 collections. We’ve seen it from haute couture to street wear labels like Diesel. Designers for this current season have placed their bid on these bold colors. It’s easy to wear, chic and modern.

Accessories I love this Fall 2006

One of my favorite things this season is the red lipstick. I love seeing it on other people.

Second, this season is my black nail polish. I am still wearing my “Lincoln Park after dark” by OPI from last season fall 2005. But it still works like a charm. It’s not totally black; it’s got a tad of purple in it, which makes it great.

This fall Chanel has come out with a black nail polish (Which, by the way has been sold out for weeks and you have to be on waiting list for)

The sweater dress; you throw it over leggings and boots and you’re out the door. It’s a no fuss easy to wear outfit. Zara currently has these thick chunky knit sweaters for $ 49 a pop. They also have thinner versions, which come v-neck or turtle neck, these are great so you don’t boil inside your office.

The waist cinch belt is great to update a tired blazer or an empire dress. Urban outfitters, currently has a variety in white and black. For the splurge, head over to Holt Renfrew were you could snatch up their private label version for $ 98.

The patent shoe is great. And comes in an array of colors this season. Once again, I like the red, and black. All of the shoe stores have their own version at various prices.

These colors are going to follow through out the holiday season. Red & White are known Christmas colors, but paired with black spins some modern chic feel into it. This Holiday 2006, throw in some black to punch up some home décor. Deck holiday decorating with the inspiration color palette shown below.

We’ve seen pink, orange and even purple—colors which have tried to break into the holiday seasonal market with little success. This bold contrasting contemporary combo would sure bring more mass appeal to the masses and to “jooksings”. For Christmas I would mix it up with some Japanese hand thrown pottery and host a chic festive soirée. Don’t forget to mix texture with luxury and personal charm.

One of the best-designed window designs in retail is at Holt Renfrew. They are going to reveal their “magic” and their holiday visual merchandising November 7th. Let’s wait and see what they have instilled for us public. I have a feeling it’s going to be magical and filled with glitter and gold.

Go ahead, look around, be creative and let’s start decorating for the holidays.


Fashion Editor

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I wanted to talk about Stefani. You see, Stefani is a great gal. I don't know how else to say it. She just doesn't know her own skill level...and she's not confident enough. I know that she has great dreams and aspirations and all she needs is a great vehicle.
She tends to frustrate me sometimes by not being clear in her life. I've been hearing her bitch about issues for the past 3 years. They always seem to be the same thing...lack of friends, lack of a good guy, and an abundance of backstabbing people. Trust's crazy talking to her and because i care, i get frustrated too. In anycase, I can be a little tough on her at times but it's because I think I see something that even she can't see. I believe in her. So...I hope that all of you readers can read her articles and understands that it comes from her heart. Enjoy.

BTW, Are there any other cool jooksings that live from missisauga/oakville/brampton area?? Hustle and move to Toronto Steffy...GEEZ.
I've been thinking about abandoning Blogger/blogspot because it's actually really annoying. I've had some problems with it and ppl over there just don't respond to my questions. If you googled jooksings you'd know. Blogger help is non existent.

In anycase, I've secured hosting so you should see a major upgrade to this blog soon.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Why I work on my own

Some of the readers may be wondering why I decided to leave the security and potential high earnings associated with working for a large corporation. I mean, my parents came over to this country with a few hundred dollars in their pocket to make sure that their children would have opportunities such as job security. I sometimes still question that myself when I see some of my peers who are now beginning to reap the rewards of from paying their dues at these large companies. I mean, they work only Monday to Friday 9 to 5 (so they can go for Saturday or Sunday morning dim sum with the whole family) are guaranteed 2 weeks vacation out of the year (so they go visit family abroad and have morning dim sum with them everyday while on vacation), they get dental benefits, and are guaranteed a pay raise of at least 3% every year and to top it off, most even get a pension plan with where they work. Now compare that now to working at least 12 hours a day (I don’t care what anyone says, on your first venture, you are going to be working a minimum of 25 hours a day, 8 days a week), guaranteed to not have any vacation time (so where’s the time for your dim sum…McDonalds it is or generic brand instant noodles if you’re a little less westernized!), putting off the dentist until you have extra money, a pay raise…how about even getting a pay cheque, because you have to pay your rent and staff first (hence more McDonalds or Generic brand instant noodles), and a pension, you only get a retirement fund when you get your business profitable enough to sell, but until that time comes, everyday is an uphill battle. Sure there is also “stress” with a job, but they never have to worry that if a deal or sale does not go through, they still get a pay cheque at end of the week. So what is so wrong with a job? The answer, is nothing. But for myself, those are the very things that scare me about “getting a job” (Don’t get me wrong, there are many things that is scary about being an entrepreneur also, but we can get into that at a later time).

The decision to really follow the path of an entrepreneur was that there is a certain desire I found within myself that my life is in my own control by being an entrepreneur. By being in control, I’m referring to that fact that I would never be subject to a company downsizing, and losing my job. My ability to advance, and earn more money is not in the fate of someone else’s opinion of me or my work ethic. If I put in the extra effort, my reward is not merely an extra time and a half of pay (which after taxes, amounts to maybe a dinner and a movie) or banking overtime hours for some extra time off. There is also the fact that there is a degree of flexibility when you own your own business. For example, if an emergency situation arises (such as family emergency’s) you are able to really put what’s important to you first. You do not need to worry about “taking too much time off” because you will be in trouble at work. You do not need to ask permission to be with a loved one in their time of need.

Another thing, despite that we are jooksing, we are still very much truly “Chinese”, it has been engrained in our being that we must care for our parents when they get older. Sure, we may not all be living in the same house together (thank the god they came to Canada!) but we must still make sure they are financially cared for, have a roof over their heads (or else they will be living with you FOREVER), make sure they can go have dim sum whenever they want and be their personal driver wherever they want to go (which is usually to a friends place to play Mah Jong, where oddly enough, our parents have their own drivers licenses…and their own cars!) After all, life is really about the ones that matter most in your life, and ultimately, a job in my opinion should not be a deciding factor to those moments.

So that is the main inspiration for me to pursue the life of an entrepreneur. The desire to take my life in my own control, and to be able to have some flexibility in life for the things that really matter to you! And yes, paying for a second mortgage, and being your parents personal driver is really one of them! But don’t worry, the positives of this is that when you have children, your baby sitter is free! Your parents would dis-own you if you sent their grandchildren to a day care!

Owen Ma.

The Modern Jooksing Businessman