Boy, what a week. First my personal blog site will be up shortly, some serious decision making, and lastly, the release of the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii (Wee). The PS3 is THE console for gaming this year...heck, its got "Blue Ray' technology, and its twice the price of the previous consoles (PS2, Xbox,) that were initially released! But I've never really been into gaming (yes, you heard right...a chinese guy not into gaming!!) but this time, I really think I may be into the Wii. I mean, its more physically interactive, more people (non gamers) would be into it because the games are electronic activities like golf, bowling, boxing. What a way to settle a dispute with your friends. Strap on the controller's and go a few rounds!!!
Now my blog site. I've been thinking this whole week about what I had thought to be a very simple task. Which is the name of my blog site. I want the name to be a reflection of myself, even though I really like those blogs with really cool names, but as it is, I've chosen the domain for it to be my own name. What could indicate that the site is mine, than my own name. So check it out at www.owenma.com I welcome the feedback and comments to my future posts...thanks in advance.
opportunity will fit you, given where you are currently at in life, what you may want to accomplish and are you able to commit 100% of your effort at it, especially when it is a start up. Its not the effort that concerns me, it is really the fact that putting in this extra time, presents an opportunity cost to something that the three of us are currently doing, and that time will be taken away from that. Another factor that I have been thinking of is what I've read from many successful entrepreneurs, which is that even though it is good to have many opportunities, it is also smart to know which ones to turn down. Because an opportunity can be a winner, but it may not be for you...but this is something that only you can decide for yourself. Decisions decisions....(sigh!), but I will let you know what we decide, either way, whatever decision we make, I do not believe we will regret it.