I can't sleep. It's 3:50 AM. I must get to work on time tomorrow. I can't sleep because i keep thinking about buying a camcorder for Jooksings.com! I've been dying to buy one. I'm having the roughest time looking for one because i'm trying to stay under a $500 dollar budget. The one i settled on getting is a Canon Elura 100. With a video camera, i can do video blogs and this site would be a lot more interesting. I would like to find a web designer and perhaps even get a graphic designer for my brand. That shit costs money man.
Anyway...I love videogames and it's culture. I don't like the idea of some fat trailer trash playing videogames but i find the japanese culture very interesting. I watch youtube and read gamespot and they always show these videos of the japanese sleeping over 3 weeks on the street waiting for the first playstation 3 or nintendo wii to come out. They go crazy over the DS over in japan too. I'm not that crazy...or am i? What i am crazy about is making money right now. I want a new camcorder along with a website....that's about 500 plus maybe 1500 bucks for a website.
The real reason for me not sleeping is because i've been thinking about ways to buy a ps3 just to sell it for profit and fund my ventures...quickly. A ps3 this holiday season runs to 659.99 plus tax for 1 game console. There's no games included either. Jeez...anyway...ebay has people chopping ps3's for over 1900 dollars. I'm thinking cha ching. i'm going to buy a ps3 or two and chop it on ebay. I sell it for 2000 plus dollars and profit a minimum of 1200 for each unit. i can wait outside a store for a few hours just to make 1200 bucks....screw the unit. I'll just buy another one later when they are readily available. Right now...i just want a camcorder. My girl is getting me a nintendo wii already anyway. PS3 would be awesome..but whatever. If there's a lot of profit on that too...'ll chop that too. haha. It's not like i'm tight for the money...just wanna raise funds fast. So...i'm positive there's other asians out there that think the exact same way as me. But whatever...i've decided to make this an adventure for this blog. I'm going to make this adventure to the camcorder and cash public.
I plan to wait outside a store for the ps3. and just like those japanese crazies...i'm gonna camp out. I've never really done something like this before...but whatever. Please share in my adventure to the Camcorder.
BTW..i rather have a Canon GL2 or a Canon XL2 or i'll even take a XL1 if someone wants to give it up for the ps3.