I recently went shopping this weekend for a smart phone. Something that can connect me to my email while I’m on the go. I’m telling you, the selection right now is quite good (before there was really only the Blackberry…or “crackberry’ and some like to call it) and fairly affordable. I mean, I paid more money for my frickin Motorolla Razr ($500 big ones)….and what can it do? Not much but drop really easy because its so damn thin! The other I noticed is that phones that have mp3 capabilites and camera’s are becoming the norm (these features are sooo last year!). I mean what phone doesn’t play music anymore? If you have one that doesn’t, something’s wrong (another thing the Razr doesn’t do). But what I found from comparing these smart phones and from looking at phones in general is that the newest feature is video. Yes, video so, now when you go for your weekend dim sum, you’re gonna see kids with headphones on watching their phone while mom and dad are reading their Chinese newspaper! Kids can now keep up to date with their latest downloaded clips (whatever may be the hottest thing to watch now…I fell off at Pokemon), and adults can keep up to date the latest new chapter movie while on the go or subway! Haha…..that I don’t know about, but I’m sure it will be happening soon and I do know people who would be doing that! I mean, why not…you can download movies (legal by the way ;) yes I said the nasty “L” word and I know jooksings don’t like that word at all! Disclaimer, I do not buy VCD movies from my local asian movie store) like the latest release, Superman. (I talk more about the actual downloadable video industry and where you can currently get Legal video content at my personal post, so click here if you want to check it out). I mean, sure…the memory on phones right now is not as large as a Portable video player (c’mon 1GB capability on a phone compared to 80GB on an iPod) but hey, you can still watch vids on the go! So let’s see how many video phones will come to the market this year, and see just how many will fill up at the weekend dim sum!
Business Editor