I wanted to watch something else but my girlfriend dragged me into watching this boring movie with Jennifer Garner and Timothy Olyphant. First of all, Timothy Olyphant looks so weird in this "loving" role. He was cast perfectly in Girl Next Door. This movie..not so sure.
Anyway...the movie plots Gray (Jennifer Garner) as a would be wife of her now dead fiance, Grady who dies in an accident. They were about to get married but she ends up catering to mourners instead of wedding guests. Grady's brother, Fritz (played by Timothy Olypant) is introduced into the movie screwing one of the caterers in the bathroom as Gray is mourning in the bathroom.
Grady's best friend and business partner (played by Kevin Smith and Sam Jaeger) help Gray out during her tough times but end up with these weird troubled relationship problems of their own. Kevin Smith is awesome though. If you don't know who Kevin Smith is...he's Silent Bob from Jay and Silent Bob. I loved his charachter in the movie and hope he does more films that involve more speaking.
Gray finds out during her mourning period that Grady had a skeleton in his closet and found out that he was not only a millionaire but also had a child with another woman. He had been transferring money to the other woman, Maureen(Juliette Lewis), who strolls into town with her son to look for her Grady and is unaware of the fact that Grady has passed away.
From that point on...I'm not sure what the Screenwriter/Director's focus was on. The movie is pretty confusing and it seems that there are some things that happen off screen that you'll have to figure out on your own. For whatever reason, Gray and Fritz fall in love and the tragedy just goes away. I don't really know how to explain this. Watch it yourself. All i'm saying is that I wouldn't catch or release this movie. I'll let it swim on by...Why waste your bait?
Rating: 3.5/10 but Kevin Smith is awesome.