Well...to my amazement/dissapointment, Jack comes into season 6 with weak entrance and i really had my hopes up to see some asians finally getting some spotlight. You'd think that with crazy man in Korea, Kim Jong Il, that maybe the east would get some exposure...even if it's in that light. I love 24 and Jack Bauer is my hero but i hate how the writers planned this out. Maybe it wasn't their fault. Maybe they are finding out that it's much harder to find asians that can act in California. WTF?! how can that be possible? Sanfrancisco is full of them. I have no idea. All i'm saying is I wished so badly for asians to get a spotlight for the whole year and frankly..i'm getting tired of the same ol' villains.
Chris Tsang
Dissapointed but still loyal 24 fan.
Photo via [tzima.com] but edited by me.