I just came back from watching Curse of the Golden Flower today. If you are the type that's looking for a good kung fu fight then you are looking in the wrong place. However, there are a couple of scenes that involve an intense amount of blood. Directed by Zhang Yimou, who has also directed other epic asian films such as House of the Flying Daggers and Hero, the film is set in 10th century Tang Dynasty and you'll be happy to know that the visuals in the movie are absolutely breathtaking. Glorious gold and red colours are so powerful you'd believe that the chinese actually took great care in their detail rather than the "cheap quality" stereotype that is present today. Everything is meticulously done from the millions of flowers and the amazing costumes to the curtains and uniforms of every charachter on the screen. The visuals will blow your mind.
The film is in Mandarin with English subs that are pretty close to what they are actually saying. I had to laugh a couple times but overall it was done quite nicely. I really like Chow Yun Fat and Gong Li's performances. Chow Yun Fat was awesome in this movie and I can finally erase the horrific upchuck reflex memories when i saw Replacement Killers. ( I still think he should make another God of Gamblers movie! ) Gong Li seems to never age as she is as beautiful as ever and her acting is just classic. The only thing i gripe about is that she always seems to play these movies where she is in extreme pain or extreme crying.
China's Royal family is in absolute turmoil. The Emporer (chow yun fat) slowly poisons his Empress (Gong Li) with some kind of leung cha (that gross tasting black stuff your parents made you drink) formulated with a poisonous herb. The Empress is also having an intimate affair with the Prince (Lie Ye) that also has a romantic relationship with the Royal Doctor's Daughter (Li man). The 2nd eldest son, Prince Jai ( Jay Chou ) comes back from fighting the mongols and the youngest son is jealous over the attention that his brothers get from the Emporer and Empress. All the elements of creating a tragic love/family/power struggle story. The story isn't a factual one either btw. It's actually a play set in the 1930's called Thunderstorm by famed novelist Yu Cao but Zhang has set the tone in a Tang Dynasty setting.
It's a great story that resembles extreme drama from Shakespeare but does get lost at certain times. You may need to watch it twice especially if you are a slow reader and can't understand the chinese. However, your eyes will never leave the screen as you'll want to catch all the beautiful colours. I do recommend the film but I'd definitely suggest a second viewing.
What is a movie review by me without some Jooksing Humour? Mad props to the Costume designer who designed the uniforms as the term "asian chicks have small breasts" is practically thrown out the window. My girlfriend beside kept saying..."holy! she has big boobs." and "every girl in this movie has big boobs!" It's actually really noticeable. So guys...take your woman out for a date to this movie. She'll think you are a cultured kind of guy...and you can stare all you want for 120 minutes.
Rating: 3/5