Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jooksings control the destiny of friendster and facebook?

I don't know about the rest of you out there..but I haven't logged into friendster for over a month. and i've always noticed that although networking websites out there spread like really doesn't take off until fellow asians start using it. Maybe it's our infectious infatuation with pictures....i dunno. It's totally true...i mean..seriously friendster and myspace are still around and it's not going anywhere soon but it's long overdue that another web 2.0 app should take over the reigns and i think facebook will do just that.

Snicker if you've ever had a page on!! Have you visited that site lately? It's so weird. On it's says "1,438,461 Members have joined AsianAvenue" It also says how many members online. Guess how many were online? 40. that's it. 40. why? cuz asians bailed on AA because of weird javascripts and stupid point systems for cheesy hats and tshirts.

A week ago...i signed up for facebook and naturally created the Jooksings Group.'s grown significantly since and I'm hoping to hit at least 1000 members across the US and Canada. If you are reading this...go ahead..sign up on facebook and make sure to join the jooksings group.

Jooksings C's Facebook profile