Friday, January 05, 2007

I love my asian hair...and you should too

Why is it we always seem to want what we can’t have? I thought to myself, “What would I look like with an Aphro?” NO, you know what I am serious. This thought has crossed my mind. Whenever I tell my friends, they think I am nuts. I joke about it from time to time. Because I thought it would be fun and way out different. I mean how often do you see an Asian gal with tight curly locks? Not that I am really sure if the texture of hair is able to do that. Either way, my point is that I hear people complaining about their hair all the time. I work in an office where the make-up of the employees is pretty multicultural. I mean the office is right smack downtown Toronto, but still. The topic of hair seems to be brought up at least once out of the week during lunch hours. “I have to go sit with my dresser for 4 hours so she can relax my hair” I wonder how long it will take to achieve and Asian Aphro.

They always tell me how nice and beautiful my hair is. It has taken a few years of no dye and frequent cuts at a good stylist to achieve this.

A few years ago was asked to participate in a hair show. I was told you get paid and hourly rate, a hair cut and color. The only draw back is they can “Do whatever they want” and you have to sit on top of a stage. I agreed. I guess being Chinese in all the “free” part seemed to weigh it self out more than the rest.

I came out with a bright hue of red and about 4-5 inches cut off. It wasn’t that crazy of a cut which was the upside. It looked good while it lasted, but I almost forgot how much of a hassle it is to maintain the color. The growing out stages was definitely the most annoying. I used to always dye my hair in high school. I am sure most of us had our hair dying mishaps. But long were those days, and the red seemed all new.

Last month, I was asked to be a hair model again. This time I knew better. I just simply nonchalantly turned them down with a smile and a pleasant “thank you for your interest, but no thank you”.

Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with dying your hair or cutting it in crazy dos. By all means, celebrate your individuality. I am just not into the upkeep. There are tons of you out there that look amazing with your dyed locks, especially when it matches your skin tone. There are so many people that I come across in life that tell me, “I don’t remember what color my natural hair color is.” I then ask “isn’t it the same color as your eyebrows?” They say “No, I dyed those too...”

For me, at the end of the day I want to just enjoy what I was born with.
I can’t wake up with curly hair. I know the Japanese laser treatments work fine and dandy. But I am happy now knowing that I can’t have a natural Aphro.
Finding a good hair stylist is almost like finding a good friend that is there with you until the end. Hair products are also a tough call. They work different for everyone; however it’s taken me a long time after many trial and errors to find the following which are working for me.

Fashion Editor